Could I Lose My Federal Pension?

Could I Lose My Federal Pension?

Late last week we learned that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Almost immediately, the press began to report that McCabe had lost his pension—something that he had worked towards for more than 20 years. So, here’s a question (several actually) that came to me from a reader. Could I lose my Federal pension?

Answer These 3 Questions Before Making a Deposit

Answer These 3 Questions Before Making a Deposit

In a previous post, we covered an issue that could potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the course of your retirement.  The issue is getting credit for service that you performed for which a deduction was not taken from your pay. I suggest here that there are three logical questions that you’ll need to answer before deciding if making a deposit makes sense. This is primarily a ‘numbers issue’, so here are the questions . . . 

Get Credit for Non-Deduction Service ASAP

Get Credit for Non-Deduction Service ASAP

One of the most troubling issues that I see when talking with Federal employees during benefits training sessions is a lack of awareness on how non-deduction service can be used to increase the amount of creditable service that may be used for their pension calculation and eligibility. Feds rarely know about non-deduction service and how to get credit for it. That’s unfortunate because . . .